There Can Be Good In Your Success

The Art Of Burn Out


It starts way before you realize what’s happening. It begins to feel imposing to do little things that you once did in your sleep. The “Burn Out” monster typically rears its ugly head through the humblest of requests and tasks. Responsibilities that once were deemed automatic and part of our self imposed “job description” become beasts of burden beckoning recognition and superficially trivial acknowledgement. Those who seem initially the most engaged and passionate end up riding the jaunt all the way to the smoking and smoldering bumpy end leaving nothing but their own ashes.  This is usually because of some self convinced investment and guilt. The smallest requests become exhaustingly frustrating and by the time most see what’s happening the fuse has been lit and the timer has run out. Damages once considered repairable become seemingly worthless investments of our time, money, heart, and energy. We see what’s left of the victim of Burn Out and perhaps if we had caught it sooner, something could have been done. But no, that train has left the station and its too late. Or is it?

There are levels of burn out and there is an ART that comes to managing each of the ways we exhaust ourselves. Because that is exactly what Burn Out is: it is the human exhaustion of The Spiritual Body, The Emotional Body, The Physical Body, and The Mental Body by way of depletion of resources due to money, time, and lack of resources and inspirational support.

Each of theses “bodies” work-in conjunction with each other. Neither is more or less important and each relies on the others to maintain equilibrium and homeostasis. The human spirit, albeit invisible is a very active component in maintaining balance. When balanced we are stable, sexual, energetic, loving, communicative, thoughtful, and connected. Unbalanced we are financially unstable, unhealthy, cut off, exhausted, quick to attack, alienated, unable to effectively communicate, and self-serving.

Each of the bodies have various stages of Burn Out and when it comes to a lack of resources and support the body, brain, emotions, and spirit start to show signs of weakness. Each of us appreciates and values support on different levels based on need. We consider support coming in ways of money, time, appreciation, physical gifts, education/discussion & communication, physical acts, and others. As we become depleted of these resources we begin to tap into our own personal reservoirs to maintain homeostasis and balance. What we don’t realize is that by not replenishing our resources we become weakened and imbalanced. The best of intentions can cause catastrophic personal and business damage if left ignored.

 Stage 1. Be Aware & Make Changes

The Emotional Body- moodiness, irritability, short tempered, sadness, frustration

The Physical Body- exhaustion, illness, headaches, body aches, lack of desire

The Mental Body- forgetfulness, lack of creativity, seemingly dysfunctional or unmotivated.

The Spiritual Body- initial imbalance of chakra energy centers. Person appears “mostly” stable but “something is off.”

 Stage 2. Let’s Get Some Help

 The Emotional Body– extreme moodiness, irrational irritability, hot tempered, sadness, hysteria, frustration, erratic outbursts

The Physical Body– exhaustion, illness, headaches, body aches, sexual dysfunction

The Mental Body– brain fogginess, forgetfulness, lack of creative desire

The Spiritual Body– Imbalance of chakras. Each chakra reacts differently and highs and lows become very apparent.

 Stage 3- Crisis

The Emotional Body– detachment, suicidal tendencies, shut down,

The Physical Body– Absolute Exhaustion, shut down, disease

The Mental Body– Shut down, Can’t tackle the smallest of tasks

The Spiritual Body– The human aura is so porous and incapable of maintaining status that negative energy openly attacks and positive energy is siphoned away. Chakras begin to inadvertently shut down initiating a complete energy shut down stages before death.

How Burn Out attacks:

The 7 major chakras centers listed below help explain the internal energy systems of the human condition. Although these energy centers are very complex this VERY basic explanation helps us to recognize if any or all of our chakras are in need of attention due to burn out. A leak in strength and imbalance in one chakra can and usually leads to the imbalance of others.

The Root– basic stability and survival – financial wellbeing, basic health.

The Sacral– passion and pleasure

The Solar Plexus – strength & will power

The Heart- love, compassion, altruism, and generosity

The Throat– authenticity, your true voice, originality

The Third Eye– clear thoughts, spiritual contemplation, and reflection

The Crown– unity and selfless recognition

What to do about burnout

As with everything, it’s more preferable to prevent burnout from happening in the first place than attempting to treat it.

Prevention, Prevention, Prevention:

  • Set time aside for relaxing rituals, such as spending time with your family, reading something motivational, listening to inspirational messages, meditating, stretching, writing in your journal, etc.
  • Get physical and get healthy. Take steps to increase your physical routine and try and eat healthier.
  • Try strategies that will help you cope with your stress better.  Consider a professional development course to help manage your time or speak to someone who seems to be doing really well!
  • Surround yourself with positive people and positive experiences.
  • Delegate and setting boundaries on the workload you take on.
  • Regularly disconnect from your work and responsibilities. This includes taking regular breaks from your phone and other technologies.

But, let’s be honest.   Sometimes it’s just too late to prevent burnout because we’ve hit the limit and we are already past the breaking point. In this case, in addition to the prevention activities, we need to etch out a RECOVERY PLAN.  It’s important that you take steps toward recovery ASAP. Pushing yourself through burnout will only result in more damage.

When you’re recovering from burnout, these are some actions that you can take:

  • Identify who and what exactly is causing your feelings of burnout, and make a strategic plan to address those issues.  Don’t try and accomplish this all in one go-at-it.   These stressors are obviously very real, and if it was “that easy” than you wouldn’t have gotten here to begin with.  Take it one step at a time.
  • Cut back on your commitments (if you can). This is a good time to pause and reflect, and take some time off to heal. You are the most important part of this equation.  Jobs come and go, people come and go.  Give yourself a mental, emotional, and spiritual break.
  • Seek support from your team members, your friends or family. This is the right time to strengthen your support network. If situations are severe, please seek professional support.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help. It takes time and dedication to get this frustrated.   Recovering deserves just as much time and attention.
  • Reassess what makes you happy.   Think about your passions, your interests and your values. Your burnout might be caused by a mismatch between your values and those of the organization you work with, or between your goals and the opportunities you have at work. It’s OK to get fried.  It happens and this is truly an opportunity to gauge your own strengths and weaknesses and evaluate if you want to continue on the path you are on or try something else.

Burn out may begin innocently enough in any facet of life, school, work, personal, or otherwise. What we fail to remember is that the small things that might not seem important really can be the big things that cause our and our loved ones and business partners to become imbalanced and burned out.

Something as seemingly trivial as forgetting an important date, to thoughtlessly throwing your wet towel on the bed, to showing up late to a business conference call, to hiding the forgotten or late payments on a credit card, to not finishing your part to a class group project, to forgetting to say “thank you” can be that one small difference between our work partners and loved ones tipping from a level 2 to a level 3.   We have the capability to support each other even if we are a little imbalanced ourselves. Reach out when you see someone who may be in distress. That little bit of support might be the missing link to getting them back on track.

Even though burnout is extremely unpleasant, you can turn it into a positive experience.It can become a great opportunity to work out what is truly important to you and to rediscover things that you are passionate about.

Remember balance and ask for what you need.

Let’s be good to each other. Together.

Love, Success, & Positive Energy
