There Can Be Good In Your Success

Finding and Understanding Your Spiritual Voice (Part 5 of 5) Establishing Your Foundation

With an estimated population of 7.4 billion people on our planet, there are bound to be a few different opinions about what “The Spirit” is.  The best part of having so many passionate discrepancies about an invisible ideology is that it appears that with all the lack of physical evidence, most of us can still vehemently agree that there is some kind of force inside each of us that we can’t necessarily see but we can most certainly feel and hear.

As we each search for the answers in our own ways, we turn to what we know to find rationalization and understanding about such a power and influence: the religious may consider it a soul, the spiritual may call it an energy, the scientific may describe it as a mathematic vibration, a poet may call it a muse, and a child might call it an invisible friend. Regardless what label we decide to throw on it, there is in each of us a resounding directional beacon that resonates deep within us.

That energy, soul, vibration, muse, and friend is what gives us guidance and direction every step of the way.  It is our inner compass.

Our Spiritual Body is in essence our inner voice navigating the journey of our lives.

As we unify and strengthen our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, we are able to balance ourselves and find out how to communicate with that inner voice.  Each component is as necessary and vital as the others. Connecting to the spiritual body requires something that many of us in today’s busy society struggle with.  Quiet.

We are so over-scheduled, over-committed, and scared of being alone that we neglect one of the most powerful and beautiful parts of us.  The connection to our spiritual body is one that requires the act of listening.  Not listening to music, listening to the tv, or listening to the words of an author, it requires listening to the voice inside that we are constantly distracted away from.

So, What Is Our Spiritual Inner Voice and Why Should We Listen Anyway?

Our inner voice is our own inner wisdom.

This inner voice is where we find love, compassion, peace, insight, and tranquility.  It is where we tap into our creativity and where we find understanding.  It is how we strengthen our abilities and empower ourselves to trust our choices. It is the voice that tells you to beware.  It is the sense that let’s you know that something is amiss.  It is the instinct that empowers you to push yourself.

Here is  a list of just a few of the positive gifts and reasons to empower and listen to your spirit

A-Z’s of Positive Spiritual Gifts

  • A- Agreeable – Life is just easier and more agreeable.
  • B- Bravery – You gain insights leading to bravery.
  • C- Compassion – More balance means more ways to be compassionate
  • D- Decency – More understanding means more common decency towards others.
  • E- Efficiency – Less struggle means getting things done faster.
  • F-  Foresight – More calmness means it’s easier to connect with the next steps.
  • G- Guidance – More connectedness gives us access to more inspired wisdom.
  • H- Hope – Less frustration means more positivity and hope.
  • I- Illuminosity – Less density means more vibrancy and higher levels of light.
  • J- Joy – Less hurt equals more happiness.
  • K- Knowledge – More connectivity means more knowledge.
  • L- Liberation – Less stress means less restrictions.
  • M- Meaning – More spiritual connection means more definitive trust and meaning.
  • N- Nourishment – Feeding the spirit also feeds the body, mind, and emotional bodies.
  • O- Optimism – Listening without fear leads to happiness and positivity.
  • P- Peace – Less resistance equals peace.
  • Q- Quiet – More connectivity and less noise.
  • R- Resilience – More strength through positivity the more resilient we become.
  • S- Sustainability – The less we force the negative in more we can sustain the positive.
  • T- Tranquility – The more we empower our beings the more tranquil our lives will be.
  • U- Unconditional Love – Finding our inner voice also means finding unconditional self love.
  • V- Value – Trusting our voice also empowers and creates inner value.
  • W- Well Being – Being satisfied with ourself promotes a sense of well being.
  • X- eXperience – Lessons we learn show us the exhaustion of the fight vs the path of least resistance.
  • Y- Youth – Finding our inner voice is also connecting to the inner innocence of our youth.
  • Z-Zenith of Power – Becoming spiritually balanced brings us to the zenith of our power.

How to Listen and Understand the Inner Wisdom from our Spirit:

Our inner voice is always there though.  It just gets quiet when we aren’t listening.  It is what inspires thoughts and spurns us into action.  Our inner voice uses all of the other bodies to communicate with us. It uses our emotions, our physical bodies, and our mind to send us messages when we are being stubborn and short sighted. It nudges us when we get inspirational thoughts and unexplainable feelings that thrust us into action.  Our inner voice is just like a lion’s whiskers. It helps us feel our way through life.

The problems arise when we listen too much to outside sources. We begin to doubt ourselves and begin to think that we’re doing everything wrong.  We struggle with our surroundings and we fight our instincts. We get hurt physically, mentally, and emotionally because of our expectations.  The reality of our lives isn’t as we expected and we become disappointed. We attempt to fight our way out of our displeasure by working hard and fighting the truth of our realities; because of that we struggle and by living in struggle, we actually silence even more so-our own inner voices.

When that inner voice gets quiet that’s when we misstep and lose sight of our goals and ambitions.

With that said, let’s look at 4 Steps on how to connect to your inner wisdom.

1. Be Cool and Calm down:

Life is what it is.  There is a time to get spunky and fight and then there is a time to relax and accept what is in front of you.  Let’s consider the obvious, when your mind is calm, your emotions are under control, and your body is healthy, the connection to your spirit can be at its strongest.  When your mind is distracted, your emotions frustrated, and your body at ill ease, the ability to connect with your inner voice is going to be hushed.  But, do not underestimate the power of the spirit.  Even under distress, our spirits never stop sending us messages.  The truth is, the messages just might be more pleasant and less distasteful if we listen early. But, don’t dismay.  That voice is always there.

2. Do What You Can Do 

The spirit does send us easy messages, but some of us are really good at ignoring the signs and trying to force and bully life into place. We learn how fight for what we want. We learn that if we want to be successful we have to make it happen.  We push the rock up the hill because it feels like nobody else is going to help us.  But, this causes a lot of disappointment and frustration, because look around, everyone else is busy pushing their own rock up their hill, so take responsibility for you.  Don’t get so wrapped up in action that you turn away from the quiet voice.  Be still and take a moment to connect.

This is the trick, do what you can do and accept life for what it is.  Know that there are negative forces and they do attack; but, you are exactly where you are right now.  No amount of pressure, tension, heartbreak, or resistance is going to change your position. Getting upset and losing balance will not give us any answers. No amount of hoping, crying, stamping our foot, and passive inactivity is going to change reality.  Looking blankly at a page will not put the words down.  Prayer without action is only going to disappoint. The only thing that is going to change how things are is a plan and action steps.   And how do you find out where to begin?   By listening to your inner voice.

3. Find Acceptance

The spiritual voice inside all of us is just waiting to tell us what to do.  Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do and we have to say goodbye to things and people that are not healthy for us; but, trusting our instinctual voice is what helps us find acceptance and recognize harmful things before they bring destruction.  Staying at dead end jobs and in unhealthy relationships is typically due to our egos.  We want to force the job to work and we want to believe that we can will the relationship to be better.  What we need to do instead is let go.   Holding onto things that aren’t meant for us is like trying to hold on to sand.

4. Find Peace

When you are truthful with yourself, you realize that you have very little control over what happens in life.  Even the most painful of lives have their beauty.  There is something so gorgeous about watching someone who has the scars of life lean back and be calm with knowledge compared to the novice with overly excitable ignorant enthusiasm. Imagine being on the ocean with a sea captain who has travelled the world and has been through a lifetime of unpredictable weather.  He probably will be a bit rough around the edges, calm, and most probably barefoot.  He will probably trust his instincts and be more in tune with the ocean and what is inner voice is telling him and less concerned with what the weather man tells him. That same captain will also probably not be worried about the color of the dingy ropes and more aware of how to steer the ship through the storm.   The novice, who still hasn’t learned how to read the water will be more concerned with the devices and looking for anything to give him clues as to what to do.

Look for peace, find it in the silence and in your inner trust. Instead of always looking for the answers, just let go and be less afraid of failure.

Mistakes to Avoid

  • Stop stressing about whether or not you are on the right path.
  • Stop trying to force what doesn’t belong.
  • Stop being afraid of failure.
  • Stop expecting someone else to do it for you.

Spiritual Things to Remember

Life is filled with ups and downs.  The inner wisdom that comes from our inner voice is experienced and wise beyond all the lessons we learned at school.  The life we hope for is a construct of what we think and feel.  The problem with that is that we place restrictions and guidelines on what we “think” our lives should be.  No matter how well you connect to your inner voice, how healthy your body is, how balanced your emotions are, or how smart you become, life does end.  Our paths are filled with lessons and people who prepare us for the next stage in our life, death.

Death does not have to be so scary, it is a natural progression and something that happens to everyone and everything.  Death is a stage just like birth and even though the finality of it gives us a reason to get stuff accomplished it is not a reason for us to panic when we feel like we are not on the fastest route.  In life, the lessons we learn are what give us power.  The lessons we learn are how we teach our young and how we become those calm sea captains instead of the nervous young novice cadets.

In the end, your spiritual inner wisdom is always within your reach.  It is always there just like the air you breathe waiting for you to inhale.  All you have to do is calm down and pay attention. Don’t be in a rush and don’t try so hard.  Have faith in yourself.

Love, Success, & Positive Energy
