There Can Be Good In Your Success

Shhhh-Do Not Disturb: First Steps To Finding That Voice Inside

Are you so plugged in to everything and everyone else that you have disconnected from yourself?

Much like you, I keep a pretty busy schedule. It’s often so busy in fact, that I often find myself forgetting to pencil in that much needed alone time! – It’s especially evident for me during stressful times.

There is a very intelligent, beautiful, powerful, and calming voice inside each of us- the challenge is trying to connect with it.

Sometimes we sit down and don’t even know where to begin, feeling like everything is so far away that no matter what we read, do, or say, the disconnection is too intense. Nothing anyone can do will make a difference. It’s almost like we are just a lost cause right now.   WE are much too busy and too tired to do anything about “Finding Ourself.”  We have flipping bills to pay and life to take care of.

Have you ever found yourself saying: “I’ll find myself later- when I have time?”
I’m sure some of you can relate, with chatter at the office, family needing attention, and the endless noise from technology, quiet time can appear non-existent.  I for a long time thought the only quiet time available was spending time alone in a room early in the morning or late in the evening. And although each of those times are an option and can be a great way to spend time reflecting, I’ve found myself only being able to sustain a few quiet moments once or twice a week, half asleep, majorly distracted, and feeling no real connection to my own spirit.

I’ve come to realize that scheduling “quiet time” away from family,  technology, and co-workers during daytime hours can be a manageable task that can boost emotional well-being, creativity, productivity, and inspiration.  But, it takes commitment and planning.

Getting a hold of quiet time can be difficult.

Actually being “QUIET” once we get that alone time can be almost impossible- so plan ahead!

We are already short on time, drained of energy, and sucked of our motivation. Let’s face it, any time alone just means a deep breath and a sigh of relief that the door is closed for a moment.
That’s definitely the first thing to do; but, taking “quiet time” to the next level is where it gets a little difficult… but it can produce completely awesome results!

Let’s Try it!

Let’s plan out how we are going to tackle a PRODUCTIVE “Quiet Time” Session for TOMORROW.

Pre-Game Set up: The day before

  1. Scope out the locale and find a room with a door you can close. Schedule with whomever you need to- to have time in that room alone.
  2. Find yourself some noise cancelling headphones.
  3. Find/Make a “Do Not Disturb” sign.  (Get creative) – “Be Quiet- There’s a genius at work in here!” Establish a “Closed Door/Opened Door” Policy that you feel comfortable with. At home and at work, when my door is closed it means “Please Do Not Disturb.”  Otherwise, I have an open door policy.
  4.  Figure out your schedule beforehand and pick a time during the day when you feel energized and productive. I’m personally a 10am-11:30am or an 8:30pm-10pm girl.  Those are most definitely my best “thinking times.” Dedicate to yourself about an hour to an hour & a half. Do not schedule any pre-planned meetings or phone calls. And don’t get distracted by emails or calls.  They can wait! Emergencies happen, but, let’s keep our fingers crossed that tomorrow there won’t be any Orange Alerts!  We will discuss how to manage family/co-workers/bosses/clients/ and ourselves that constantly function in a state of hysterical fire-drills another time. 
  5. If you plan to be at home and have children, schedule a babysitter for a few hours.
  6. Make sure there is easy access to a cup of coffee for tomorrow and get yourself a bottle of water.
  7. Plan ahead to have little something healthy to eat.  No 5 course meal here.  Just a healthy snack: some oatmeal with a banana sliced on top, a bagel with cream cheese, or a granola bar. Some brain food to keep you focused and energized.
  8. Clean out your book-bag, briefcase, and/or purse the night before.
  9. Try and clean off off the desk and clean out the room the day/night before. (Trust me- get the cleaner)
  10. Before you close out the day, run through a list of pending items you need to get done and WRITE THEM DOWN.
  11. Now, call it a day and let’s get ready for some quiet time TOMORROW!

The Day of:

Let’s start at 10am

  1. 9:45- Set up snack and grab cup of coffee.
  2. 9:50-Close the door and take 10 mins and actually enjoy your food.  Don’t rush here! Sit back, there are important things in life and coffee is definitely one of them.  But, only take 10 mins!
  3. 10am.  Bamb! – It’s Quiet time!  Let’s get productive.
  4. I know, I know… We have a million things to do so we can’t be creative. (Alright steps 5-9 are for those of us who need help clearing our plates so we can think.)
  5. 10:02- Take out the “Pending Items list” from the bag we cleaned out last night and put it on our tidy desk.  (Notice – no distractions here)
  6. 10:04-Read through our list and and figure out exactly which items are “Absolutely Necessary” and which items can wait.
  7. 10.05-Put a star next to the items that can wait for now! We will tackle these later!
  8. 10:07- Right now we are going to focus on the “Absolutely Necessary” ones! Now remember, we aren’t going to do them right now! This is our Quiet Creative Time!  We are going to tap into our creative brain- but, since we have so much to do, we are going to make a plan to tackle these items so we don’t waste our entire 1.5 hour being distracted. WE are going to time ourself and take 10 mins evaluating what needs to be done for each item and determine exactly how much time it will take to tackle each item. Take quick notes, make a plan, and then PUT DOWN YOUR LIST!
  9. I promise, you will get those items done!  You, yourself said it.  Those items are “Absolutely Necessary!”   But, right now, stay focused and put the list back into your bag and have confidence that you deserve some time for yourself.
  10. Set an alarm and then put your phone on silent.

This is where it gets good.

Any time you have left is all yours.   The question is what are you going to do with that time?   You’ve got the room, you’ve got the quiet, you’ve been fed, your desk/office is clean, your handbag is organized, the kids are safe, you know what pending life items you have to accomplish and you have a plan to tackle them.

“NOW….   You have the biggest challenge to tackle. Yourself!

Do you know how to be Quiet and Find Your Voice?”

With all the noise, chatter, technology, and mind racing thoughts, no wonder we can’t hear ourselves. It’s ok. Our so-called “Productive Society” does this to us….  But, you can do this!

Let’s try this one together.

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and just breathe.

Take a moment and think about something that makes you smile: a calm river, a snowy mountain top, a quiet beach under a shady palm tree. Clear your mind of all the “stuff” you have going on.  Don’t force it. Just let all the thoughts fly around your brain and slowly let them float way one by one away. This takes practice so don’t worry if you feel like you have a Twitter News feed running through your mind! I promise, if the thoughts are important…They will be there later.   But, right now.  Just turn down the noise. Cast the thoughts away. Turn off your mental “To-Do” list. Tell yourself:

“Everyone is safe.   Everything is ok”.

Just BE with YOUrself for a little while.

Keep your focus on your breath.   Slow and steady.

Now, imagine your body surrounded by a warm and healing white light. Start at your toes and work your way up. Relax your toes and your calves.  Relax your legs and your stomach.  Relax your fingers and release the tension in your arms and shoulders. Feel the muscles in your neck soften. Relax your jaw. Relax your cheeks. Relax your ears. Relax your temples. Relax the crown of your head.

Focus on your breath, visualize the white healing light surrounding you.

Cast away any arrant thoughts and begin to focus the light on your heart. Quiet any thoughts that come up and imagine physically knocking on the door to your heart and asking “YOU” to come out to play.

Visualize “You” answering the door and give yourself time to relish in the moment. Give in to your imagination.  No one else is here but you.

Tell yourself “I love you and I believe in you. Come visit and talk with me for a few moments, I’ve got time for you.”

Ask yourself the question, “What do you want to tell me?”   AND listen to the response!

Allow yourself to stay and talk for as long as you feel comfortable.

As you start to come back, say “Farewell and promise to return again very soon.”

Whether you can sustain 2 mins or 30 don’t worry.   It takes practice to cast away thoughts and find focus.  It’s a learned skill and something that takes time to develop.

Now, take a moment to reflect on how you feel.

Take the rest of the time you have scheduled for yourself and write down how you feel and then rest. Allow yourself to relish in the moment.   Even if you fall asleep the first few times you try this activity.  It’s OK!    Everything and anything that happens in those moments is OK!

“It might not seem productive the first go at it; but, with time- that voice inside gets stronger and louder.   That voice inside has the ability to help us find our path and make decisions that aren’t influenced by anyone.  That voice is who we really are.”

Remember that even if we make time for quiet time, sometimes our brains are so preoccupied with a running to-do list that we are conditioned to never be still unless we are sleeping. Busyness is a genuine factor that greatly affects quiet and alone time; but, it isn’t the only challenge.   Our racing mind and inability to disconnect from technology greatly inhibits our ability to connect to ourselves.   You have so much to offer the world and you have so many beautiful things and thoughts that are just waiting to be tapped into.

“Remember that your To-Do list isn’t the only thing that needs to be scheduled. You deserve some time to connect to yourself.”

Here are a few more things you can do to connect to that inner voice during the day.

  • Listen to some meditation music during your commute to work.
  • Have a positive conversation with yourself in the car.
  • Pray/Meditate in the shower.
  • Post positive messages around the house and at work.
  • Take a walk outside and/or pray/meditate during a workout.

The first few times trying to connect with your voice can be the hardest. We are easily distracted and so focused on being productive that we sometimes fail to tap into the most beautiful inspiration in the world.   Our OWN Voice. I truly hope this was helpful and I look forward to writing about other great ways to tap into your spirit.

Love, Success, & Positive Energy





Much love to you too Ricky! Thanks soooo much for dropping by and checking out Climbwithintegrity! It’s definitely a work in progress just like me!! But,I can’t wait to get this new year rolling with all kinds of fun stuff to write about! If you ever want me to write about something special to you… Just let me know!! =) Soooo glad you stopped by!

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