There Can Be Good In Your Success

Wear Cute Panties!

Yep, I said it!

You know exactly what I am talking about!  It’s a NEW YEAR!

Dig into that drawer and toss out those Go-To stretched out “comfy” polka-dotted cotton underwear. Yes, the ones with the little snag in the butt and the thinned fabric that you wear when you aren’t feeling so hot!  Yes, I know they go perfectly with that worn in faded pair of sweat pants and tank top.  Yes, I know sometimes you just want to be “comfortable”.   I hear ya.

Throw them out anyway!   Even better.   Have a bonfire and burn them!

I’m as guilty as anyone.  In my “unmentionables” drawer I have cute little neatly-folded color-coded stacks of adorable little panties: “teeny-tiny” ones in one pile, “fuller-coverage” ones in another.   All of them ranging in fun colors, fabric types, and patterns: laced ones, wild cat patterns, fun and innocent, crazy neon, innocent white, sexy red.   The list goes on and on.  Then, in this scrunched up pile of forgotten mess- there lies “those” panties!

Guys you are not excluded! This is for you too!   Toss out those stretched out boxers and find something you feel good in!  And in case you weren’t sure, no woman in her right mind wants to see her main-squeeze strolling around the house in saggy bottom worn out underwear.

Now, let me clarify.   I am a woman and yes, we do get our periods once a month.  Functionality and practically with “smart” and “sensible” underwear choices are not what I am talking about here.  So, as you are scanning through this underwear drawer- mother nature grants those 5 pairs of underwear a special pass.  (Guys, these are off limits. But ladies,  be honest- if they are in need of replacing–toss them in the fire too-even our worst period days deserve a little respect.)

Now just do it…. Get rid of them…  Do it alone and make a commitment to yourself or make it a fun family affair!  Have fun with your significant other and toss them out the window and start fresh!

Now, let’s be clear.   We aren’t tossing out “America’s (amazing) Cotton” products just because they are comfortable! And they sure are! We are getting rid of worn out and plain because you deserve to feel powerful, beautiful, intriguing, and exciting.  EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Underwear is a fascinating item of clothing.  Even though we usually can’t see it under our clothes, it does something to our psyche.  When we pull on that “I MEAN BUSINESS” red thong, or the “Check Me Out–wink wink” pink cheekies, or the “I’m Feeling Wild & Hungry” cheetah print boy shorts- we are empowering ourselves with INTENTION!

At that moment, when you pull on those panties, you are in the subtlest of ways defining your entire day!

This isn’t about who “ELSE” is going to see your panties today. Whether you have a significant other or not this is NOT about THEM.   This is about YOU! Putting on pride and power by way of underwear is a act of self-empowerment!

Ok, let’s talk about it!  The sex part! Yes, underwear covers up the skin surrounding our sexual organs. We all feel differently about sexuality and each of us is entitled to their opinions.  Be proud of how you feel about sex and how you feel about your body and remember that sex is a physical manifestation about how you feel about yourself.  A healthy self image is what we are going for here!

Let’s think about it. You worked really hard today and you got all “done-up” for the office.  Your hair neatly combed, your shirt pressed, your shoes all shiny and polished. You come home and you pull off your work clothes and slip into something “more comfortable” because now you are in your “cave.”   (Come on– admit it.. Probably one of the best feelings of the day) Whether you have a partner or not, when you rip off those clothes and climb into your pjs you are letting go of the stress of the day.   I completely support this. I can’t tell you how many times my bra has come off in the car on the ride home. There is something freeing about just getting out the door and leaving all the stress of work behind.  And I support that FULLY!

But, let’s look deeper. I want you to take a true deep look at the reality of how you feel about yourself when you do pull on those “comfy” underwear and why you grab them- probably during times of stress, sadness, anger, frustration, and anxiety.  We are human and we are highly intelligent beings.  We know when we are strong and we know when we are weak.  We unconsciously and subconsciously send out signals to those around us (and to ourselves) about how confident we are and how important we consider ourselves and our opinions.

What message do you want to send out to the universe??

Every facet of our lives is a growing process. We learn and evolve every single day whether we intent to or not. Some of us go forward, some back, and some get stalled and stuck where they are.  The idea is to empower ourselves so that we have confidence and feel beautiful and strong. During those times of weakness and sadness, we have to dig deep and find ways to pull ourselves up.  If we constantly allow ourselves to sink into apathy and depression our individual evolution will take forever.  Depression is real and if you have lived any bit of an experienced life, you will experience (like most of us have) various stages of highs and lows. Slowly and steadily leaving behind the lower vibrational life starts with sloughing off that AND whom needs to be let go.  The process of elevating our vibrational patterns and feeling stronger and better about ourselves is a life-long process and it encompasses everything we do, think, feel, and say.  That’s a massive elephant to eat. We are going to do it. One way or another. And we can make positive changes towards the future or we can go backwards.   Which way do you want to go?

Yeah FORWARD!    That’s right! I thought so and know you have it in you!    WE are in this together and we will go One-Step-At-A-Time.

But, we need to start. And TODAY is the perfect time to do so!

So go tackle that underwear drawer!

Get to it – You aren’t alone!

And just FOR YOU…    and JUST BECAUSE… Wear your CUTEST panties tomorrow!

Love, Success, & Positive Energy!
